Section: Dissemination


Courses taught:

  • Licence: “Algorithmique et programmation” (INF431), 7h30, L3, École Polytechnique, France, taught by François Pottier.

  • Licence: “Principe de fonctionnement des machines binaires”, 33h, L1, University Paris Diderot, France, taught by Julien Cretin.

  • Licence: “Logique”, 26h, L3, University Paris Diderot, France, taught by Alexandre Pilkiewicz

  • Licence: “Introduction à la programmation”, 40h, L3, École Polytechnique, taught by Jonathan Protzenko.

  • Licence: “Virtual machines”, 14h, L3, University Paris Diderot, France, taught by Tahina Ramananandro.

  • Licence: “Compilation”, 26h, L3, University Paris Diderot, France, taught by Tahina Ramananandro.

  • Master: “Linear Logic”, 12h, M2, MPRI master (U. Paris Diderot and ENS Paris and ENS Cachan and Polytechnique), France, taught by Roberto Di Cosmo.

  • Master: “Functional programming and type systems”, 38h, M2, MPRI master (U. Paris Diderot and ENS Paris and ENS Cachan and Polytechnique), France, taught by Xavier Leroy and Didier Rémy.

  • Master: “Preuve de programmes”, 21h, M2, University Paris Diderot, France, taught by Alexandre Pilkiewicz

  • Master: “Compilation” (INF564), 13h30, M1, École Polytechnique, France, taught by François Pottier.

  • Doctorat: “Proving a compiler: mechanized verification of program transformations and static analyses”, 7h, Oregon Programming Languages Summer School, USA, taught by Xavier Leroy.

PhD & HdR:

  • PhD in progress: Julien Cretin, “Coercions in typed languages”, since December 2010, supervised by Didier Rémy.

  • PhD in progress: Alexandre Pilkiewicz, “Validation of polyhedral optimizations”, since December 2008, supervised by François Pottier.

  • PhD in progress: Nicolas Pouillard, “A unifying approach to safe programming with first-order syntax with binders”, since September 2008, to be defended January 13th, 2012, supervised by François Pottier.

  • PhD in progress: Jonathan Protzenko, “Fine-grained static control of side effects”, since September 2010, supervised by François Pottier.

  • PhD in progress: Tahina Ramananandro, “Mechanized formal semantics and verified compilation for C++ objects”, since September 2008, to be defended January 10th, 2012, supervised by Xavier Leroy.

  • PhD in progress: Gabriel Scherer, “Modules and mixins”, since October 2011, supervised by Didier Rémy.